
Holidays to me are memories that last forever! I love the feeling of being overseas, of knowing the unknown, constantly seeking to see more, immersing into the food and culture and looking forward to the next day of adventures. I feel like it is so easy for me to get caught up in the day to day things at home that i am never really appreciating things around me. Things like the beautiful landscapes and endless beaches, family and friends, laughter and tears, heartaches and joy! One memory that is stuck in my mind happened during our most recent trip to Europe. We were in Tuscany (Italy) driving along the picturesque hills and we came across fields and fields of sunflowers, each field is perfect,the sunflowers were in straight lines but the thing that was most striking was that they were all pointing in the same direction. It was stunning. To see thousands and thousands of sunflowers pointing towards the sun and following it all day is amazing. It made me realise that if God cares for these sunflowers, i cant even comprehend the love that he has for us as living beings. I want to be like the sunflowers constantly following God, the one who is my source of everything for my life, i dont even know how it is possible otherwise. I love holidays, i love risks, i love memories, i love friends and family and i LOVE God!

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